
Our gyms are accessible, offering traditional gym equipment and innovative power-assisted machines. We can create bespoke training programmes tailored to individual needs.


Our swimming pools are equipped with hoists, adaptable wheelchairs, and beach-style entries to ensure easy access for everyone.

Splashability sessions

Inclusive swimming sessions for disabled children, young people, and adults. Up to two carers can participate free of charge (a valid Carers Card is required).

Day Venue Time Cost
Saturday Peterlee Leisure Centre 11.00am to 12.00pm £2.50
Sunday Louisa Centre 3.00pm to 4.00pm £2.50

Seaside Splashability Sessions

Enjoy fun water activities, including waves, slides, and the Seaside Splash Zone. Up to two carers can participate free of charge (a valid Carers Card is required).

Day Venue Time Cost
Sunday Spennymoor Leisure Centre 4.00pm to 5.00pm £2.50


Fun activity sessions for young people (aged 16 plus) and adults with disabilities, featuring games such as archery, boccia, curling, bowling, and more. Carers attend free.

Day Venue Time Cost
Wednesday Auckland Youth Community Centre 1.00pm to 2.00pm £3
Friday Peterlee Leisure Centre 10.30am to 12.00pm £3
Friday Teesdale Leisure Centre 10.30am to 12.00pm £3

Just Play Disability Football

A recreational football session for those aged 18 and over, offering an hour of fun and exercise. Carers join free.

Day Venue Time Cost
Wednesday Spennymoor Leisure Centre 1.00pm to 2.30pm £3

Multi-sensory room

Exclusive to Spennymoor Leisure Centre, the Multi-Sensory Room is a therapeutic space designed to engage the senses in a relaxing and soothing environment. It fosters confidence, independence, and social awareness while supporting the development of fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and self-regulation.

Beyond our inclusive facilities

If you’d like to join a local sports club that offers disability or inclusive provision, check out the Club Durham activity finder.

Inclusive activities